Completely Blessed

It has definitely been a while since I posted anything on my blog. If any of you have been following, sorry about the hiatus my life has changed pretty quickly. I titled this post “Completely Blessed” because, that is exactly how I feel. I graduated college, took a trip to the Philippines to see my grandparents, bought a new car, and got my first “adult” job as a public relations and marketing specialist.

I guess the new challenge is making time for everything. I am still 22 going on 23, and life is still an open book for me. I want to experience the world, but it’s hard once you have bills to pay and I think everyone can agree with me on that one. It is a good feeling finally being able to rely on myself. Being away for almost 3 years, I mostly relied on my parents to pay for everything. I tried getting a job up at school, but a lot of places don’t call back once they figure out you do not live in the area.

Honestly, I did not expect to be working so early on after graduation. I interned for a small business which needed help in the summer of 2012 with social media and promotions. I did not get paid, it was more of me volunteering my time, but I wanted some experience before I graduated. My boss was a nice man, him and I kept in contact with each other once I left again for school.

Once I graduated, I contacted him again not expecting anything, just to ask if we could meet up for lunch just to catch up and maybe for me to get some connections. It just so happened that he was looking for an assistant and also more help in the social media and marketing area. The job pretty much landed on my lap, I had nothing else going on for me so might as well just take the chance. After that life started to take over and before I knew it, I had a new car in the driveway, waking up at 7am Monday-Friday, and paying my first set of bills.

It has been a crazy time, but I have been loving every minute of it. I wouldn’t change anything, I’m happy with where I am. I love being close to my parents, being able to with my boyfriend and friends. I do miss college sometimes, but everyday is rewarding knowing how great things are working out. I know it’s not always going to be sunshine and rainbows, but with how everything has happened, I do and still feel completely blessed. Everything is a lesson and now with experience I can figure out what I need to do, to get where I want to be for my future.